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Boa Vista mine - Conselheiro Pena - Minas Gerais - Brazil

In this page we offer  some cabinet size samples from the old pegmatite mine of Boa Vista, now closed. These samples are good micromount potential  but can also stay in an easthetic collection because the colours
 01 - three vugs in this sample

 overall size 10x5 cm

 price : € 50,00 


   01b - red variscite in the previous sample 

 area 15 mm 

   01c - phosphosiderite in the previous sample 

area 40 mm 

   01d - variscite, bermanite in little, red crystals and yellow tufts of cacoxenite, in the previous sample

 area 1x1 cm 

   02 - another good sample

 overall size 8x6 cm

 price : € 80,00 


 02b - red variscite in the previous sample

 geode 25x12 mm

 02c - red bermanite in the previous sample

 area 10x10 mm

 02d - variscite and bermanite with some uk spheres

 area 10x10 mm

 03 - a large sample with some vugs full of red variscite

 overall size 11x7 cm

 price : € 80,00

 03b - red variscite on criptomelano

 area 10 mm, in the  previous sample

 03c - red variscite, a 2x1,5 cm vug, previous sample
 03d - another vug with red varisicte, in the previous sample

 area  22x15 mm

 04 - another cabinet sample showing numerous vugs full of variscite

 overall size 11x8 cm

 price : € 80,00

 04b - red variscite in the previous sample

area 25x20 mm

 04c - variscite on phosphosiderite, in the previous sample
 04d - large red variscite crystals on phosphosiderite

 area 30x16 mm

 (previous sample)