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Seula and Prini quarries - Baveno

In this page we offer a very rare scandium mineral :the kristiansenite, found the first time in Norwey and  by the author here in the pink granite of baveno quarry
 01 - two pale yellow crystals on muscovite

 the sample 2x1 cm

 price : € 45,00 


  02 - nice sample that shows one yellow crystal on muscovite and a scandiobabingtonite crystal  in other vug

 the sample 4x3 cm

 price : € 95,00



   02b - the scandiobabingtonite of the rpevious sample 
   03 - another nice sample with a polytwinned group of pale yellow crystals

 the sample 3x2 cm

 price : € 75,00


    03b - another pic of the same sample


  04 - a very rich sample that shows this group of pale yellow crystals and

 . . . .


  . . . another one that shows a group of pointed crystals with hematite

 the sample 3,5x2,5 cm

 price : € 125,00

 05 - a group of polytwinned crystals on and with chabazite

 the sample 6x5 cm

 price : € 195, 00



 05b - another pic of the same sample
 05c - another pic of the same sample
 06 - a wonderful sample showing a single orange crystals on albite with chabazite

 the sample 4x3 cm

 price : € 295,00

 07 - some colourless crystals on orthoclase and muscovite

 the sample 4x3 cm

 price : € 155,00


 07bis - some colourless crystals on epidote, in the previous sample
 07ter -another pic of the previous sample
 08 - a little but nice specimen showing some yellow crystals on vug

 area 1 mm

 sample dimension 2x2 cm

 price : € 85,00


 08bis - another pic of the previous sample
 09 - a little but nice sample showing a sphere of pale yellow crystals on laumontite

 area 1 mm

 dimension 2x2 cm

 price : € 90,00
