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Seula and Prini quarries - Baveno

In this page we offer some very rare association of typical baveno minerals
 01 - pink lamellar cascandite crystals on blue bazzite

 area 1 mm

 the sample 55x35 mm

 price : € 75,00


 01b - another little vug with pink cascandite crystals and a blue bazzite, in the previous sample 
   02 - colourless, lamellar cascandite crystals and blue thortveitite

 area 1,4 mm

 the sample 41x35 mm

 price: € 120,00 


   02b - another cascandite group in the previous sample 
   02c - in a deep vug here's a good kristiansenite crystal, in the previous sample
 03 - a pink group of cascandite crystals on fluorite and scheelite crystals

 area 1,7 mm

 the sample 51x21 mm

 price : € 120,00


 03b - some scheelite crystals in the previous sample 
 04 - a good group of lamellar cascandite crystals on muscovite

 area 10 mm

 the sample 60x45 mm

 price : € 95,00


 04b - a colourless group of cascandite crystals on orthoclase, in the previous sample
 04c - some bavenite crystals on muscovite, in the previous sample
 05 - a great specimen showings grey cascandite tufts (here with porange fersmite)

 area 1,5 mm

 the sample 71x51 mm

 price : € 165,00



 05b - another cascandite group, in the previous sample
 05c - a great group of lamellar bavenite crystal on albite, in the previous sample