Folgosinho - Guarda district - Portugal
In this page we offer some
very nice and rare samples of benyacarite, a titanium phosphate that
shows tiny, rombic, tabular crystals
01 - some little yellow, tabular crystals
the sample 1,5x1 cm
price : € 15,00
02 - numerous tabular crystals
the sample 2,5x2 cm
price : € 20,00
03 - some little yellow crystals
the sample 1,5x1 cm
price : € 15,00
04 - a very nice sample with some yellow crystals
the sample 1x1,5 cm
price : € 20,00
05 - numerous tabular crystals
the sample 2,5 x2 cm
price : € 25,00
05b - another pic of the previous sample |
06 - a good sample with numerous tabular, yellow
the sample 4,5x3 cm
price : € 30,00