San Piero in Campo - Elba isle - Tuscany
In this page we offer some nice,
little crystals of elbaite, coming from the new pegmatitic vein
called "filone Rosina"
01 - some yellow crystals on vug, with albite and orthoclase
area 5 mm
the sample 3x3 cm
price : € 15,00
02 - nice sample with some yellow crystals on vug
the crystals up to 1,3 mm
the sample 3x3 cm
price : € 15,00
03 - nice micro with a fabulous yellow crystal on vug
the crystal 1 mm
the sample 3x3 cm
price : € 20,00
04 - little but very nice sample with a pale blue crystal
and some stilbite crystals on the top
the crystal 1 mm
the sample 3x2 cm
price : € 20,00
05 - a perfect group of dark yellow crystals
area 5 mm
the sample 3x3 cm
price : € 20,00
06 - a nice dark yellow crystal on vug
the crystal 1,3 mm
the sample 4x3 cm
price : € 20,00